Saturday, November 18, 2006

Game Results

WarFreaks 4 - Evolution 3

WarFreaks came back from what seemed like an early defeat to Evolution at 3-0. However with the arrival of Ron, Ryan, and Ed with shorts, WF took the rest of the series 4-3. Really tight game. Remember guys, this is just for fun. Tournament starts Dec. 2.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG was it really 3-0? I remember shooting at all da Evolution enemy peoples and bam! we was 3-1, next 3-2, and then 3-3 and the sad incidient wit da flag and all dat. :(

Welp, you know the rest of the was 3-4 to da WARRGH-FREAKS! and like Evolution was WTFWT? Ha ha ha...

IANAL but Veni Vidi Vici!!!