Monday, November 20, 2006

Thanksgiving Airsoft

Thursday 6 AM - NCS

We're going to play on Thanksgiving morning. All those that can make it, please let me or OJ or Glen or Ernesto know. We're thinking about just keeping it for the veterans only and maybe a few of the new guys that do show up regularly. Maybe we'll potluck or chip in for lunch so try and keep it to the guys we all know.

We'll also talk more about the upcoming tournament and teams.

If you don't have my email address, call me and I'll give it to you. If you don't have my cell#, email me and I'll email to you.


otsenre said...

i will bring a 5 gallon jug of kool that cooh??! everyone else please list what you can bring. if you wanna bring food we need the three essential parts of a guam potluck:

1. Rice
2. Meat
3. Drinks

please bring enough to feed about 10-15 guys. i hear it's boonie chicken mating season around this time...makes good stuffers!!

so bring yur chow...and yur game of course! u don't wanna be the turkey running around do u?!

Rommel said...

I'll bring red rice I guess. If you don't know what to bring, chip in a some money and we'll use it to buy a few buckets of KFC, maybe some BBQ sticks, and some Jack.