Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Season 4

Hey Guys,
I've been doing a lot of thinking for Season 4. Right now is a really hectic time for all of us. We have potential off-island competition coming next year but I seriously don't think we're ready to "host" them until we get our act together. Here are a few ideas we should consider at least for the next week or so...

If we do start season 4, maybe we'll wait til next year, either Jan. 6 or 13. This way, we'll have a little more time to inform the guys what's going on with the season and it will give Ernesto more time to hash out our rules.

Out of our group, the main force of AEG, we should maybe have only 2 teams. A 3 or 4th team would comprise of the walk-ons, and maybe the off-islanders. We'll play it by ear for now. We won't know much about how to do it until we see those guys next Saturday.

This Saturday, I'm still expecting a full turnout. Is anybody thinking otherwise? We need to show these Hawaii guys that we're very united in our organization. We told them 6:30 and I hope you guys can get everyone there by that time so we can play a little earlier.

Right now, I need nominations for team captains. The captains should be in charge of their teams, keeping them informed of the rules, game times, etc. This duty should be very separate from the administrative duties of hosting the games. Basically, a group of 2 or 3 would be in charge of formalizing all the rules, taking care of logistics, and informing the captains of decisions and anouncments. The captains would not necessarily be in that group, but whose duty it is to carry out what the "tribunal" says. For example, example only...

Tribunal :
Oliver,Rommel, Jimmy
Any suggestions about rules, fairplay, tournaments ideas goes to us
We keep documentation of game results, rules, club charter, etc.
We can assign new members to teams and oversee the basic fairness in the teams.
We do not oversee any team organization but only talk directly to the captains.
Set up the games.

Roger: Team Sunshine -
Pat: Team Rainbow -
These guys should do most of the work on saturday. They are responsible for anything their team does. They have to make sure they understand the rules and meet before games, etc.
They should take attendance.

I feel we need to do this because right now only a few key people are doing everything and it ruins the fun of the game if there's too much stress. Captains should be concerned about strategy and gameplay on game day. Not worrying about new walk ons or other misc. stuff. The tribunal should have already done their part before the game and informed the captains and should just have to play on gameday.

But we need to nominate 2 guys at least for captainship(?) These guys need to be reliable and trustworty. They also need to be balanced if we're going to have a good season. You can't have all the great players on one team(6mm :) anymore.

We need this before saturday guys.


otsenre said...

let's meet this friday to talk about this. yeah i agree we should have someone who oversees the whole group and someone who coordinates their own team. that one is overburden with handling the whole body!

don't worry, now with the christmas season shimmering down, i will have enough time to get that rule book down. sorry for the delay.

omc-RLF said...
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omc-RLF said...

Well whoever is to be el captains should adopt the following...

hand signals

I know I'll be using the 3rd from the last a lot.

Yes I'm talking to you kid...