Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Good News For Airsofters

Student, 14, reportedly hits others with plastic bullets

PDN article here

Does anybody we know have any connection to this kid?


otsenre said...

thanks goodness they weren't talking about airsoft guns in particular!!

ya!! blame the schools!! it's not the guns...it's the school's fault!!

i'm gonna pick up my gun and play airsoft this saturday.

Randolph said...

we should find this kid and shoot him with our guns, hahaha, that should teach him a lesson,

but seriously though, pls guys be responsible with ur guns, incidents like this will only hurt our group

Lon said...

yeah, i heard this on the radio this morning. even though they didn't point airsoft out, when i heard PLASTIC bullets i thought to myself, 'great... guam's first airsoft accident'. it's not the guns... yes, the schools do have some fault in this, but i think the parents have the bigger blame here. ah well